Rainbow, oh rainbow
So many colors are thee
Genesis 9, His promise
Was all it was meant to be
But today, it’s buzz cuts,
with bright painted lips
Rainbows printed on capes
men with bras, women with penises
If I say its wrong
I’m called intolerant
If I say its against my religion
I’m a bigoted Christian
Cant I speak
Genesis 19, Romans 1:27
Say what I think
1st Corinthians 6:9 thru 11
Oh just look “churchy”
be agreeable, everything is right
Love is love, shut up
and keep things light
Because everyone is having fun
Why don’t you just join in
Those Jesus freaks are boring
fun can’t be fun without some sin
Far from the Truth
We know that’s a lie
My sin turned to fallen knees
His correction can’t be denied
Thought I could do what I wanted
Base my actions on how I feel
The consequences proved differently
and showed me Jesus is real
Seems Christian beliefs today
are so uncool
Quote scripture, fall on deaf ears
made to look like a fool
Happy fuzzy warm churches
Watered down words
He’s coming back tho
Anyway, I’ll just be over here,
praising my King
Imperfect me, talking to a Perfect God
reflecting on Psalm, 139:14
-Missy Anne💛